AXL Courses  / Terms of Service

Terms of Service

This is a legal agreement between AXL EdTech Booster LLC. ("AXL", "us", "our", "we") and you (collectively, "everyone"). It covers how you can use our website and everything on it like text, pictures, lessons, templates, and more (we call these "materials"). It also includes any services ("services") we offer through our website ("website").

Please read these terms before using our website. If you use the website, it means you understand and agree to these terms. If you don't agree, please don't use the website.

Important: These terms have rules about solving disagreements between us, including a point saying we'll solve disagreements through individual arbitration, not group lawsuits. If you want, you can choose not to follow this rule, as explained below.

1. Updates and Changes

Sometimes, we might change, stop, or pause our website, the materials and services on it. We might not always tell you beforehand. We might also change these terms. When we make big changes to these terms, we'll post them on the website. If you've registered with us, we'll also email you. If you change your email, please let us know, so you keep getting our updates.

If you don't like the changes, you can stop using our website. If you keep using the website after we post changes, it means you're okay with them. Also, sometimes there might be special rules or notices on certain pages of our website that replace parts of these terms. If that happens, those special rules or notices will be in charge, not the parts they replace.

2. Using Our Website

You're welcome to use this website for your own personal and non-commercial purposes. Have fun with it!

What this means is: we're letting you see and show the content on this website, but only for the reasons we just mentioned. Please play by these rules. You can't change, copy, or use our content in ways we didn't say okay to. If you save or print anything from our site, make sure our copyright (that's a special kind of ownership mark) stays on it.

If you don't follow these rules, you'll have to stop using our content and delete or throw away any copies you made.

3. Using AXL's Services

Thanks for stopping by AXL! Feel free to explore most of our site without signing up.

But, if you want to access special parts of the site (like class content or user posts), or use some of our special services, you'll need to create an account with us. Just remember to follow our rules and guidelines, which are listed on our site and might change from time to time.

Making an Account with Us

To make an account, you need to tell us:

  • Your email (it should work),
  • Your first and last name, and
  • Your chosen username and password.

You can also give us more details if you want, so we can make your time on our site even better. After you've given us this info, we'll decide if we can approve your account.

If you're using an account, always keep your details up-to-date. You can do this by logging in and changing things yourself, or by telling us and we'll help. If you forget your password, no worries! Tell us, and we'll send a link to reset it to your email.

Remember, your account means it's on you to:

  • Keep your device and internet working to use our site,
  • Pay any costs related to using our site, and
  • Keep your passwords secret.

If you think someone might know your password or if something feels off with your account, tell us straight away!

4. Payments and Fees

When you use our website and services, you'll need to pay some fees. These fees are listed on our payment page, which you'll see when you sign up for a class.

If you don't pay on time or if there's a problem with your payment (like if your credit card doesn't work or if your PayPal account has issues), we might have to stop your account or stop you from using our services.

When you give us your payment details (like a credit card or PayPal), you're saying it's okay for us to take the payment from that account, along with any necessary taxes or surcharges.

If you decide to stop using your account, remember this: you can ask for your money back within 7 days of starting the service. After 7 days, we can't give you a refund. And our refund rules might change, so always check our Refund Policy.

Lastly, sometimes we might change our fees. If we do, we'll let you know beforehand. If you don't like the new fees, you can always cancel your account. Just email us at hello@​​.

5. Privacy Policy

We care about the information you share with us. To know how we use your information, please check our Privacy Policy.

6. Links to Third-Party Websites

Sometimes, we add links on our Website to other websites. If you click on these links, you'll leave our site. We haven't checked all these external sites and we don't have any control over them. So, we can't be responsible for them or anything you find there. We're not saying we support or agree with what's on those sites. If you decide to visit any external sites linked from our Website, please be careful and always check their privacy rules and terms.

7. Sharing Content on Our Website

Some parts of our website (like group chats, lessons, and projects) let you share feedback, comments, pictures, videos, and other things (we'll call all of this "Shared Content"). Remember:

  • Anything you share is your responsibility.
  • Once you post it, everyone can see it. We don't promise that you'll always be able to change or remove it later.
  • If you share something, it means:
    - You own it or have permission to share it.
    - You've covered any fees or costs related to it.
    - You're not breaking any laws or stealing someone else's ideas, names, or work.
    - What you're sharing is honest and doesn't harm or trick anyone.
    - You're not getting paid by someone else to share it.
    - It doesn't have viruses or harmful stuff.
    - It's not secret or personal information.
    - It's not junk mail or spam.
By sharing, you're giving us permission to use, show, change, or share your content worldwide without paying you. We can also use your Shared Content for promoting our website or place ads with it.

We might check what's shared but don't have to. We can remove anything you share if we think it shouldn't be there. If anything you share causes loss or damage, it's not our fault. Also, we can share your content with others without needing to keep it a secret.

Just because something is shared on our site doesn't mean we agree with or support it. Always be careful about what you share and see.

8. Using the Website the Right Way

You can use this website for allowed reasons (we call these "Allowed Uses"). Any other ways of using it aren't okay and mean you're not using it the right way. Remember, even though you're using our website, we still own everything on it.

If you don't use the website correctly, it can break laws in USA and other countries. Here's what you shouldn't do with our website (but remember, this isn't a full list):

  • Share or make money from any part of our website;
  • Change, show, copy, or share any part of our website;
  • Break any local or international laws;
  • Bother or hurt other people;
  • Pretend to be someone else or lie about who you are;
  • Cause problems with our website or the computers that run it;
  • Dig around for data or use automated tools to collect information;
  • Try to get into parts of our website you're not allowed to.

If you break these rules and cause problems for us, you'll need to get a lawyer to help defend us. You'll also have to pay for any costs or damages we face because of what you did. Remember, only you are responsible if you don't follow these rules. If there are any legal issues, we can handle our defense, but you'll need to help and cooperate with us.

9. Proprietary rights

The name "AXL" and its trademarks are like our signatures - they belong to us. Any other brand names or logos you see on this website belong to the people or companies that created them.

Everything you see on this website - how it's arranged, the content, everything - are our sole property. We haven't given permission to share or change any of it. If something is protected by copyright, you can't use it without getting a clear "yes" from the owner or unless the law says it's okay.

10. Intellectual Property Rights

If someone uses this website to copy or use other people's work without permission, we will take action. We can remove the content, stop the user from accessing this website, or even close their account.

Reporting a Copyright Issue

If you think someone is using your copyrighted work on this website without your permission, please tell us. Send an email to: hello@​​ with "AXL DMCA" as the subject. In your email, please:

  • Put your signature (can be electronic).
  • Describe the work you think was copied.
  • Tell us where on our website the copied work can be found.
  • Give us your contact details (address, phone number, email).
  • Say that you believe the work was used without permission from the owner or the law.
  • Confirm that what you're saying is true.

If your email isn't about copyright issues, we might not be able to help.

Responding to a Copyright Complaint

If we remove something you posted because of a copyright complaint and you think it's a mistake, you can tell us. Send us an email and include:

  • Your signature (can be electronic).
  • Details about the content we removed and where it was before.
  • Say that you believe it was a mistake to remove your content.
  • Provide your name, address, and phone number. Also, say that you're okay with a court in USA making decisions if there's a legal issue.
  • Agree to receive legal papers from the person who complained.

Taking Action Against Repeated Issues

If a user keeps breaking copyright rules, we might decide to close their account. We'll make that decision.

11. Disclaimer of warranties

You use this website as it is. If there are problems with it, that's on you.

We don't give any guarantees or promises about this website. This means:

  • We don't promise it will work perfectly for what you need.
  • We don't promise it will always work without issues or that it's safe from threats.
  • If there are mistakes on the website, we don't guarantee they'll be fixed.
  • We don't guarantee the information on the website is always correct or trustworthy.

Even if you get advice or information from us, it doesn't come with any promises. And, sometimes, our website might have content that some people find upsetting. We're not responsible if you're harmed or upset by using our website or by downloading anything from it.

12. Limitation of liability

We won't be responsible if you face any harm or issues from showing, copying, or downloading materials from this website. If something does go wrong, we won't pay you for any kind of loss, like lost data or money. Even if we know there's a risk of harm, we still won't be responsible. If you feel we owe you something, the most we will ever pay is either $100 or the amount you've paid us to use the site, whichever is higher.

13. Protection Against Claims

If you use our site and something goes wrong because of your actions, like not following our rules or using someone else's ideas or things without permission, you'll need to cover our costs and protect us. This includes paying for any legal fees and other expenses. You're also promising to keep our team, partners, and everyone involved with our site safe from any claims or costs that might come up because of how you used the site or services.

14. Using Our Website Outside the USA

We run this Website from our main office in the USA. If you use our site from another country, make sure you follow your local laws. We don't guarantee that our website is suitable or available everywhere. It's up to you to use it responsibly.

15. Feedback

If you send us any ideas or suggestions (like comments, questions, ideas, or reviews), remember they won't be private or owned by you anymore. This means we can use them without giving you credit or payment. We can use these ideas for any purpose, like making products or services. In places where we can't own your ideas, you give us permission to use them however we want, without any fees. But, you should know that we might choose not to use your ideas. And if we don't, you can't force us to.

16. Solving Disagreements

Please read this carefully as it affects your rights.

If we have a disagreement or issue (like a complaint or dispute), we'll try to solve it through arbitration, not in court. This means that instead of a judge or jury deciding the outcome, an arbitrator will. This is important because in arbitration, there's no judge or jury, and the decisions can't be easily appealed in court.

Here's a breakdown of how this works:

1. What's covered: Anything you and we might disagree on is covered here. Even if other parties are involved, like if you have an issue with one of our partners or suppliers, it's still covered if you're also having an issue with us.

2. Going to arbitration: By agreeing to these terms, you're giving up the right to go to court. Instead, we'll use arbitration. This is a more private and quicker way to resolve disputes. But, if you don't want arbitration, you can opt out. This means you'd have the choice to take the matter to court. But, unless you opt out, we both agree to use arbitration.

3. Before arbitration: If there's a problem, first let us know. Email us at hello@​​ with your name, address, a description of the issue, and what you want to solve it. If we can't solve it in 45 days, you can then ask for arbitration in the USA.

4. No group disputes: The arbitrator can't combine multiple people's complaints. So, no class actions or similar group disputes in arbitration. If you opt out of arbitration and go to court, this rule doesn't apply. And, you can't join a group dispute unless you've opted out of arbitration.

5. Understanding arbitration: Remember, no judges or juries in arbitration. Some rights, like appealing or getting certain evidence, might be limited compared to court.

6. If parts of this don't apply: If any part of this section isn't valid or can't be enforced, the rest still applies. If the rule about no group disputes isn't valid, then we won't use arbitration at all, and the disagreement will go to court.

7. This rule sticks around: Even if you stop using our website or close your account, this rule still applies. If we change this rule and you don't like the change, you can ask us to stick to the original rule if a disagreement comes up.

17. Language Choice

We've all agreed to write these Terms in English. We might also provide translations into other languages. But if there's any difference between the translated version and the English one, the English version is the one we go by.

18. General Points

If we think you're not following these rules, we'll let you know and might suggest how to fix it.

But, if you break these rules in a big way (as we see it), we might stop your access to this site straight away without telling you first. The laws of USA guide these rules, not any other country's laws. If there's a disagreement about these rules or this site and it's not settled through the earlier mentioned arbitration, it'll be sorted out in USA's courts. If a part of these rules doesn't fit with the law, we'll change that part to match what we both intended, without altering anything else. Just because we don't act on a broken rule now, doesn't mean we won't later. These rules are the full agreement between us about this site. Even if these rules end, some parts will still apply, like ownership rights, our no-guarantee clause, your promises, our limited responsibility, and this general section.

19. Contact us

Got questions about these rules or need to talk to us for another reason? Here's how you can reach out:

Email our support: hello@​​

Or write to us at:

AXL EdTech Booster, LLC
16192 Coastal Hwy, Lewes,
DE 19958, USA

© 2016-2023


AXL EdTech Booster, LLC

16192 Coastal Hwy, Lewes,
DE 19958, USA

E-mail: ​hello@​​